Terms of Participation & Waiver All Healing Session

I (Yourself) understand that AZURE Health Centre and its practitioners are intuitive professionals. While they may have additional certifications, such as in remedial massage, medicine or psychology, they are primarily Massage Therapist some are Compassion Key Certified Practitioners & Instructors. Any advice or guidance provided during our sessions is based on personal opinion and intuitive guidance, not medical, financial, or legal advice. It is recommended to consult licensed professionals for specific legal, medical or psychological conditions.

I (You) am aware that I (You) am fully responsible for my own life and therefore acknowledge that healing is at my own discretion. Any guidance or facilitation provided by AZURE Health Centre or its practitioners is intended to assist me on my journey forward, but ultimate determination rests with me.
By participating in sessions with AZURE Health Centre, I release them from any liability for the services, information, and support provided. I understand that any information shared is for educational purposes only, and I waive any claims for damages resulting from the sessions.

I (You) acknowledge that all materials and content provided by AZURE Health Centre, including classes, training, and materials, are for my educational use only. This includes copyrighted material and trade secrets, which may not be reproduced or shared without written permission. I (You) agree not to share any information or teachings, ideas or any aspects of AZURE Health Centre and any associates information including Level I Compassion Key Certification.

I (You) grant AZURE Health Centre permission to record my voice and image during sessions for use in group sessions or individuals online worldwide sessions, products, marketing materials, and testimonials. This includes the right to publish, distribute, and sell these materials in any form. Unless informed with specifics area not permitted by you via email at azurehalthcentre@gmail.com

For private sessions, I agree to provide 24 hours notice for rescheduling. Failure to do so or arriving more than 15 minutes late will result in forfeiture of the session without refund.

Privacy NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (ONE-WAY) Between: AZURE HEALTH CENTRE (AHC) and Any Associates of (Disclosing Party) And: All Businesses and cliental.

The Disclosing Party has Confidential Information, and the Recipient Party wants access for the Specified Purpose.

Disclosure is governed by this agreement. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS:

1. Definitions: Confidential Information: Trade secrets, ideas, any information and know-how, etc. Recipient Party can access Confidential Information for the Specified Purpose only.

Obligation of Confidentiality: Recipient Party must keep Confidential Information confidential unless agreed otherwise or until the confidentiality period ends as specified by AZURE Health Centre Owners.

By agreeing to these terms, I understand and accept the conditions outlined above.